binaries list

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at
Tue Jul 3 16:09:17 PDT 2012

That's how it just works.

Gregory Seidman <gsslist+macports at> wrote:

>On Tue, Jul 03, 2012 at 11:12:55AM -0400, Arno Hautala wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Jeremy Lavergne
>> <jeremy at> wrote:
>> >> yes, but that would only work if a binary is available!
>> >
>> > Yes, but it'll do what you're after: letting you know if one is
>> >
>> > You can add -p if you want it go on and do what it can from a list
>> > ports you want to install without bailing at first error.
>> Good idea, so say you want to install some set of ports, one of which
>> has many deps:
>> > port -p -b install port1 port2 port3 big-port
>> port1 port2 go in fine, port3 isn't available as a binary and one of
>> the deps of big-port isn't available.
>> You can then check what's missing with:
>> > port echo port1 port2 port3 big-port rdepof:big-port and not
>> You would see something like:
>> > port3
>> > big-port
>> > big-port-dep1
>> You can then install the ports that you have to manually compile when
>> you have the processor time:
>> > port install port3 big-port
>Is there any way to automate this? I'd really like to pass some
>argument to
>port to prioritize installing binaries, but still install packages from
>source when they aren't available as binaries.
>> arno  s  hautala    /-|   arno at
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