stymied again on port dependent on texlive: lcdf-typetools

Murray Eisenberg murrayeisenberg at
Fri Jun 15 19:53:18 PDT 2012

On 6/15/12 8:47 PM, Jeremy Lavergne wrote:
> Disabling variants is done by using the minus sign prefix.
> Sudo port whatever -texlive disables the variant.
> Murray Eisenberg<murrayeisenberg at>  wrote:
>> On 6/15/12 6:53 PM, Jeremy Lavergne wrote:
>>>> I don't understand how that would work: I thought lcdf-typetools
>> depends on the libraries and/or binaries of either texlive or the
>> Japanese version ptex of TeX.
>>> The texlive variant adds the texlive-bin dependency exclusively for
>> kpathsea. If you don't use the variant, there is no dependency and
>> texlive's kpathsea isn't used.
>>>>    variant texlive conflicts ptex description {Link against TeXLive's
>>>>                                                libkpathsea} {
>>>>      depends_lib-append port:texlive-bin
>>>>      configure.args-delete --without-kpathsea
>>>>      configure.args-append --with-kpathsea=${prefix}
>>>> }
>> Doesn't the portfile line
>>    default_variants +texlive
>> mean that variant is, in fact, selected by default?
>> When I executed lcdf-typetools, I discovered that macports was about to
>> install texlive-common. So evidently that variant is selected.
>> (i) How would one disable any variant whatsoever?
>> (ii) is kpathsea in fact needed to use the lcdf-typetools in order to
>> convert and install a font for use by TeX. (That's my whole purpose in
>> installing lcdf-typetools: to be able to use some OpenType fonts with
>> TeX, by converting them to Type 1 fonts.)

But what does the texlive variant do? Why would one want or not want 
that variant? So far as I could see, the docs for lcdf-typetools don't 
describe that.

Murray Eisenberg                     murrayeisenberg at
80 Fearing Street                    phone 413 549-1020 (H)
Amherst, MA 01002-1912

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