Mongo ... where did it go?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Jun 17 14:22:06 PDT 2012

On Jun 17, 2012, at 14:57, jeff at wrote:

> I had apache/mysql/php5.3 up and running, and installed mongodb.  The install went without any errors. I then installed php53-mongo, and again, no errors.
> The problem is I don't see any ini file where the other php installs are, such as mcrypt, mysql, etc, and see no mention of mongo in phpinfo.
> Yes, I restarted apache.

Are you using the old php5 / php5-mongo ports or the new php53 / php53-mongo ports? Either should work, but it's good to know which we should look at.

$ php53 -i | grep -C 1 mongo 


Directive => Local Value => Master Value
mongo.allow_empty_keys => 0 => 0
mongo.allow_persistent => 1 => 1
mongo.auto_reconnect => 1 => 1
mongo.chunk_size => 262144 => 262144
mongo.cmd => $ => $
mongo.default_host => localhost => localhost
mongo.default_port => 27017 => 27017
mongo.is_master_interval => 60 => 60
mongo.long_as_object => 0 => 0
mongo.native_long => 0 => 0
mongo.no_id => 0 => 0
mongo.ping_interval => 5 => 5
mongo.utf8 => 1 => 1

$ php53 -r 'echo (int)class_exists("Mongo")."\n";'

On Jun 17, 2012, at 16:06, jeff at wrote:

> The framework that needs to use mongo (drupal) reports that mongo isn't that's in keeping with there not appearing to be a php extension nor any mention in phpinfo.

Using drupal installed by MacPorts, or manually? If by MacPorts, which one—drupal5, drupal6, or drupal7? If drupal5, it depends on php52; non-bundled extensions like mongodb were never made available in MacPorts for php52.

On Jun 17, 2012, at 16:13, Phillip Koebbe wrote:

> On the PHP driver page [1] it says you need to add a line to your php.ini:
> Did you do that?

MacPorts does that for you automatically when you install or activate any PHP extension; you don't need to, and should not, add that manually.

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