different root trees for macports

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at lavergne.gotdns.org
Mon Jun 25 11:20:15 PDT 2012

>  Is it possible to have different root trees with macports and to
> switch between them?
> i.e. /opt/local and /usr/local
> The only thing I have found so far is:
> http://guide.macports.org/chunked/internals.configuration-files.html
> There are many dependency conflicts between ext2fsprogs, kde, kde3 and so on..

You need to build MacPorts from source so it knows to live in a different prefix [1]. Then, add the prefix to your PATH and whenever you want to use MacPorts simply specify the full path to the one you want:

Btw, is highly recommended to NOT use /usr/local because several programs are hardcoded to use what is found in that path; by placing stuff there you will effectively be cross-contaminating various packages you install.

Keep in mind, a non-standard prefix is prevented from using pre-built archives from packages.macports.org.

 [1] http://www.macports.org/install.php#source

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