Google Fonts in Gimp

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Fri May 11 16:02:47 PDT 2012

On May 11, 2012, at 02:55, Rainer Müller wrote:

> To which folder did you add the files? It seems like the fontconfig
> configuration only checks the global system folders, such as
> /Library/Fonts but not the user-specific path in your home at
> ~/Library/Fonts by default.
> To add ~/Library/Fonts to the paths being scanned, I added a symlink on
> my system as a workaround:
>  mkdir ~/.fonts
>  ln -s ~/Library/Fonts .fonts/user
>  fc-cache -fv
> This last fc-cache command forces a re-index of the fonts and displays
> which paths are being scanned. An alternative would be to add the
> ~/Library/Fonts path to /opt/local/etc/fonts/fonts.conf directly.
> Ryan, do you think ~/Library/Fonts would be a sensible default in the
> same way fontconfig already scans ~/.fonts?

I didn't realize it wasn't already scanning ~/Library/Fonts. Patches welcome!

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