Do I have correct boost python installed?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Wed May 23 19:15:03 PDT 2012

On May 23, 2012, at 20:52, Peng Yu wrote:

> I have boost installed.
> ~$ port installed|grep boost
>  boost @1.48.0_4
>  boost @1.49.0_0 (active)
> I have the python directory.
> /opt/local/include/boost$ ls -d python
> python
> But I don't find the library file. How to get library files installed? Thanks!

Reinstall boost with the python variant corresponding to the version of python with which you want to use boost:

$ port variants boost
boost has the variants:
   debug: Builds debug versions of the libraries as well
   no_single: Disable building single-threaded libraries
   no_static: Disable building static libraries
   openmpi: Build Boost.MPI
     * conflicts with debug
   python25: Build Boost.Python for Python 2.5
     * conflicts with debug python26 python27 python31 python32
   python26: Build Boost.Python for Python 2.6
     * conflicts with debug python25 python27 python31 python32
   python27: Build Boost.Python for Python 2.7
     * conflicts with debug python25 python26 python31 python32
   python31: Build Boost.Python for Python 3.1
     * conflicts with debug python25 python26 python27 python32
   python32: Build Boost.Python for Python 3.2
     * conflicts with debug python25 python26 python27 python31
   regex_match_extra: Enable access to extended capture information of submatches in Boost.Regex
   universal: Build for multiple architectures

So for example you might use:

sudo port install boost +python27

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