mysql55 up and running on production
Bjarne D Mathiesen
macintosh at
Wed May 23 19:16:56 PDT 2012
Watch Dog wrote:
> On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Bjarne D Mathiesen
> <macintosh at> wrote:
>> I do know that many people consider anonymity on the net important - and
>> I do see the value in certain cases - but I can't take a person in this
>> case critizising pixilla and being anonymous seriously.
>> WD :: Use your real name - or loose your standing !!!
> Whether I use something that looks like a real name is irrelevant. I
> could use the name Chad Smith, but it would offer no certainty that it
> is really my name.
I'm well aware of that.
Lot's of us use nicks, and some of us are almost only known under our
nicks, but eg pixilla connects his nick with his real name. If you had
done that in eg your signature (and furthermore stated that your nick is
an anagram of your given name) I'ld have been totally OK with it.
But another point that didn't sit well with me was that you critized
pixilla without knowing the full story behind the problem. I've seen you
have apologised for that, and for that apology I do thank you :-)
> But since you insist: T. Chad Gow (google that and cf. above comment)
> is my name, and I don't recall a time when I liked it. What kid likes
> having only a 'T' for a first name? It is not an abbreviation for
> anything, it is just 'T'. As a kid, a friend noted that it is an
> anagram of Watch Dog, so that is how I became known in school. I
> prefer it and use almost exclusively. If that troubles you, add me to
> your kill file.
I don't insist. The choise is your's alone to take.
I must confess that I find it seriously cool to have that anagram, and I
do understand why you'ld prefer using it :-D
Well, as to the 'T', the 'D' in my name is something I voluntarily took
as I, when I was in high school, was known as 'Data' - it wasn't meant
as a compliment but in a derogative way. So, the best way to combat
mobbing is to turn it around and make it into something postive for
yourself, thus deflating the whole point of the mobbing :-D
> WD
Bjarne D Mathiesen
København N ; Danmark ; Europa
denne besked er skrevet i et totalt M$-frit miljø
MacOS X 10.7.3 Lion ; 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 ; 16GB 1067MHz DDR3
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