registry.db documentation?

Daniel J. Luke dluke at
Thu May 24 14:00:02 PDT 2012

On May 24, 2012, at 4:33 PM, Mark Perkins wrote:
> Can someone point me to documentation of MacPorts' registry.db?

I don't think there is any (aside from reading the source code).

> What I'm really interested in seeing is the schema for the "new" sqlite db.

is just asking sqlite3 to give it to you insufficient?

% sqlite3 registry.db 
SQLite version 3.7.12 2012-05-14 01:41:23
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE dependencies (id INTEGER, name TEXT, variants TEXT, FOREIGN KEY(id) REFERENCES ports(id));
CREATE TABLE files (id INTEGER, path TEXT, actual_path TEXT, active INT, mtime DATETIME, md5sum TEXT, editable INT, binary BOOL, FOREIGN KEY(id) REFERENCES ports(id));
CREATE TABLE metadata (key UNIQUE, value);
CREATE TABLE ports (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT COLLATE NOCASE, portfile CLOB, url TEXT, location TEXT, epoch INTEGER, version TEXT COLLATE VERSION, revision INTEGER, variants TEXT, negated_variants TEXT, state TEXT, date DATETIME, installtype TEXT, archs TEXT, requested INT, os_platform TEXT, os_major INTEGER, UNIQUE (name, epoch, version, revision, variants), UNIQUE (url, epoch, version, revision, variants));
CREATE INDEX dep_name ON dependencies (name);
CREATE INDEX file_actual ON files(actual_path);
CREATE INDEX file_binary ON files(binary);
CREATE INDEX file_path ON files(path);
CREATE INDEX file_port ON files (id);
CREATE INDEX port_name ON ports (name, epoch, version, revision, variants);
CREATE INDEX port_state ON ports (state);
CREATE INDEX port_url ON ports (url, epoch, version, revision, variants);
sqlite> .quit

Daniel J. Luke                                                                   
| *---------------- dluke at ----------------* |                          
| *-------------- -------------* |                          
|   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |                          
|          reflect the opinions of my employer.          |                          

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