uninstall dependents

Jeremy Lavergne jeremy at lavergne.gotdns.org
Fri Nov 9 05:49:16 PST 2012

> I am confused what "port uninstall --follow-dependents <portfile>" or is it "--follow-dependencies" will uninstall? For example, if I enter "port dependents inkscape", Macports replies there are no dependents. On the other hand, "port deps inkscape" lists a large number of library dependents and some build dependents of inkscape e.g. poppler and perl5. So what will the follow flag do when it is executed; try to uninstall all the library and build dependents or just uninstall inkscape? 

Dependents (dependentof) are packages that use X. Dependencies (depof) are what X uses.

Yes, the follow flags will try to recurse through the tree uninstalling packages that don't have dependents.

Depending on what you're trying to do, you might also check out "leaves".

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