port selfupdate incredibly slow
cowwoc at bbs.darktech.org
Mon Oct 15 19:51:45 PDT 2012
I'm not sure I understand.
I'm not trying to rebuild a MacPorts port. I am installing a bunch
of ports (like autoconf, libffi, etc) and using them to build some other
unrelated software. If you're proposing I check Macports and built it
from source, that's not what I'm trying to do.
On 15/10/2012 10:43 PM, Jeremy Lavergne [via Mac OS Forge] wrote:
> > My system isn't overloaded. It's running inside a VM. I'm
> running a script inside an automated build system. The faster the
> build, the better. Twenty five seconds might seem short to you, but in
> the world of automated builds every second matters.
> In that case, why not rely on the BuildBots instead of replicating all
> their effort locally 30 minutes after the fact?
> > As I mentioned before, there is an easy fix. Why not implement it?
> Um...
> Just use subversion instead of the tarballs.
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