webkit error

David Epstein David.Epstein at warwick.ac.uk
Wed Dec 4 03:16:31 PST 2013

I'm using MacOsX 10.8.5 with Macports base version 2.2.1. There seem to be tickets related to webkit-gtk, but I'm too ignorant to understand whether they are saying anything relevant to me.

On giving the command
sudo port upgrade outdated
first a whole lot of installation and upgrading was done. At the end I got the following error message:.

Error: webkit-gtk is not supported for this installation of MacPorts.  It requires libc++ be selected as your C++ runtime.  Please use webkit-gtk-2.0 instead
Error: org.macports.configure for port webkit-gtk returned: unsupported configuration
Please see the log file for port webkit-gtk for details:
Error: Unable to upgrade port: 1
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:

I then tried the following command
sudo port install webkit-gtk-2.0
and got
--->  Computing dependencies for webkit-gtk-2.0
Error: Unable to execute port: Can't install webkit-gtk-2.0 because conflicting ports are installed: webkit-gtk

I don't use any of this, but presumably programs, that I do use, need these packages. 
Should I ignore these error messages, or try to do something about them?
What is libc++ and what is C++ runtime?
Should I "select libc++ as my C++ runtime"? How do I do this?
Would other programs continue to work if I did this?


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