webkit error
David Epstein
David.Epstein at warwick.ac.uk
Wed Dec 4 07:42:17 PST 2013
On 4 Dec 2013, at 14:31, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at macports.org> wrote:
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 08:02, David Epstein wrote:
>> On 4 Dec 2013, at 13:08, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 06:48, David Epstein wrote:
>>>> On 4 Dec 2013, at 12:06, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>>> On Dec 4, 2013, at 05:16, David Epstein wrote:
>>>>>> I don't use any of this, but presumably programs, that I do use, need these packages.
>>>>> Presumably. Let’s find out for sure. What’s the output of:
>>>>> port installed depends:webkit-gtk
>>>> I get
>>>> H2:~% port installed depends webkit-gtk
>>>> The following ports are currently installed:
>>>> webkit-gtk @2.0.4_1+video (active)
>>> No:
>>> port installed depends:webkit-gtk
>> Sorry: now I get
>> H2:~% port installed depends:webkit-gtk
>> The following ports are currently installed:
>> gimp2 @2.8.6_3+help_browser+python27
>> gimp2 @2.8.8_0+help_browser+python27
>> gimp2 @2.8.10_0+help_browser+python27 (active)
> Ok, so gimp2 is the only port you have installed that needs webkit-gtk. From “port -v deps gimp2” I see that it does not have a hard dependency on “port:webkit-gtk”, but rather on “path:lib/pkgconfig/webkit-1.0.pc:webkit-gtk”, which webkit-gtk-2.0 can also satisfy. So the solution is:
> sudo port -f deactivate webkit-gtk
> sudo port install webkit-gtk-2.0
thanks a lot. That worked fine. Then I did the following
sudo port -vy upgrade outdated
---> Computing dependencies for gimp2.
For gimp2: skipping org.macports.main (dry run)
.. and skipping org.macports.archivefetch
.. and skipping org.macports.fetch
.. and skipping org.macports.checksum
.. and skipping org.macports.extract
.. and skipping org.macports.patch
.. and skipping org.macports.configure
.. and skipping org.macports.build
.. and skipping org.macports.destroot
.. and skipping org.macports.install
.. and skipping org.macports.main
.. and skipping org.macports.clean
Skipping deactivate gimp2 @2.8.10_0+help_browser+python27 (dry run)
Skipping activate gimp2 @2.8.10_1+help_browser+python27 (dry run)
So, should I run
sudo port upgrade outdated?
I tried
port search gimp2 at 2.8.10_0+help_browser+python27
and got the report "No match", which puzzles me. Why is it wanting to deactivate a port that isn't there?
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