gnudatalanguage update

William Capehart wjcapehart at
Wed Dec 25 14:20:39 PST 2013

I was able to get gnudatalanguage +gshhs to successfully build on both my
Mavericks systems with the gcc48 compeller.

gnudatalanguage @0.9.4_3+gshhs (active) platform='darwin 13' archs=Œx86_64¹

(you have to manually get the GSHHS tarballs)

However, when doing a trivial x-y plot I was met with the following error:

GDL> plot, indgen(10)
% PLplot installation lacks the requested driver: xwin
% Execution halted at: $MAIN$

My PLPLOT install is below:

plplot @5.9.9_19+aquaterm+gcc48+x11 (active) platform='darwin 13'

In JFGI-ing the error, Ubuntu scored a similar error at one point with the
directive being to also install plplot11-driver-xwin, which we don¹t have.

Bill Capehart <William.Capehart at>   Associate Professor
Department of Atmospheric & Envir. Sciences  AES PhD Coordinator
213 Mineral Industries Building             Skype/EVO: wcapehart
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology  Ph: +1-605-394-1994
501 East Saint Joseph Street                Fax: +1-605-394-6061
Rapid City, SD 57701-3995                Mobile: +1-605-484-5692
=================== ==================


On 11/17/13, 23:09 MST, "Gmail" <yangzf01 at> wrote:

>I have initiated a ticket on about the support of
>gnudatalanguage for Mavericks. I am not sure this is the most efficient
>way to report the bug to the developer. If there is some other way to get
>this work more efficiently?
>Thank you
>On Nov 16, 2013, at 2:04 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:
>> On Nov 16, 2013, at 10:14, Gmail <yangzf01 at> wrote:
>>> Can anybody do me a favor to update gnudatalanguage? So that it can
>>>support for newest Mac OS X Mavericks.
>> The gnudatalanguage port is at version 0.9.4. That is the latest
>>version available from the developers, and as you have discovered, it
>>does not build on Mavericks. If you can work with the developers to get
>>this problem fixed, and to get them to release a new version containing
>>that fix, then we can update the port to that new version.
>> For reference, here is the MacPorts ticket for this issue:
>Thank you
>Zhifeng (Bruce) Yang
>Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
>University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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