question about frequency of updates

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sat Feb 9 18:34:07 PST 2013

On Feb 9, 2013, at 14:24, Comer Duncan wrote:

> I am wondering what the gurus say is a reasonable update interval for macports?  I  seem to forget to do it and then have to get through the update process, which sometimes takes quite a while. 

Sometimes we have to include workarounds in ports to make upgrades go smoothly, and our current recommendation is for any such workarounds to remain in place for one year. So you should update more frequently than once a year if you want a smoother upgrade process.

It's also probably a good idea to update more often than that because many updates fix bugs and security problems, and you'll want to receive those fixes ASAP.

Also if there are any problems with an update and you need to ask us about it, it'll help if the problem you're experiencing is one we've dealt with recently and remember how to help you with, rather than one we dealt with 9 months ago and have already forgotten about.

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