qt4-mac using wrong g++

Joshua Root jmr at macports.org
Mon Feb 11 14:53:05 PST 2013

> On Feb 11, 2013, at 15:21, Frank J. R. Hanstick wrote:
>> I thought that MacPorts defaulted to the system gcc default setting(s) (limited to Apple certified versions of course) rather than a hard coded default setting.
> The hardcoded default compiler in MacPorts, which varies by Xcode version, was meant to mirror the default compiler used by that version of Xcode, but in the case of Leopard there seems to have been some discrepancy. Perhaps Leopard's Xcode used to default to gcc 4.0 and then changed to 4.2 later and we didn't notice. I thought it was that "gcc" on the command line was gcc-4.0 while in Xcode projects gcc-4.2 was used by default, but I could be mistaken.

Frank expected whereis(1) to behave differently than it in fact does.
His 'port select' output shows that his 'gcc' is /opt/local/bin/gcc. On
Leopard, /usr/bin/{gcc,g++} are links to {gcc-4.0,g++-4.0}.

- Josh

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