Sudo: needed?

Brandon Allbery allbery.b at
Tue Feb 12 06:00:28 PST 2013

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Eneko Gotzon Ares <enekogotzon at>wrote:

> Upgrading kdelibs4 port this note is displayed:
> # An agent to provide communication between KDE programs must be started.
> # To start it run the following command:
> # launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents/org.macports.kdecache.plist
> That command:
> ·Must be preceded by a "sudo" code? (i.e., *sudo* launchctl load -w
> /Library/LaunchAgents/org.macports.kdecache.plist).
> ·When that "sudo" code is needed, the messages of the Terminal always
> express it explicitly?

The latter.   Also note that it is in LaunchAgents and not LaunchDaemons.
 LaunchAgents run as you when you log in; LaunchDaemons run as root during
system boot, before the desktop is started, and need to be installed with

brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine associates
allbery.b at                                  ballbery at
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad
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