UNIX commands font

James Griffin jmz.griffin at kode5.net
Thu Feb 14 01:28:04 PST 2013

----- Lawrence Velázquez <larryv at macports.org> [2013-02-13 21:53:16 -0500] ----- :

> On Feb 13, 2013, at 9:22 PM, Alejandro Imass <aimass at yabarana.com> wrote:
> >> Do modern BSDs tend to default to another shell?
> > 
> > sh and maybe tcsh - no bash included on most BSDs AFAIK unless it's from ports.
> Huh. I don't recall having to use tcsh the last time I used FreeBSD, but I very well might have installed zsh from ports during the installation process, avoiding the default shell entirely.

Yes, FreeBSD defaults to csh which is a link to tcsh; OpenBSD which is my primary platform uses ksh or rather their own modified pdksh. They have incorporated some bash-like "things". NetBSD defaults to sh, but you can choose other shells, either csh or ksh - bash is not included in the default installation. 

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