parental internet filter from MacPorts

Jan Stary hans at
Thu Feb 21 00:43:41 PST 2013

On Feb 19 21:38:06, guanoapes84 at wrote:
> Is there a black list for Tarot and other Black magic?

I took the liberty of creating one for you:

	Black Magic

> My customer wishes internet filter based on Catholic Church morale.

I assume your customer is demented, or at least cannot
be bothered to raise his kids. After all, we have technology.

In that case, there is a lot of companies willing
to take your customer's money in exchange for
keeping his soul pure on the internet.

If he merely wants people to stop using condoms,
there are entire websites dedicated to petitions.

> Any recommendations?

Slay a black goat and spill its blood
on your customer's DNS resolver.

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