UNIX commands font

William H. Magill magill at mac.com
Thu Feb 21 07:29:05 PST 2013

On Feb 21, 2013, at 10:18 AM, Kevin Walzer <kw at codebykevin.com> wrote:

> On 2/21/13 10:15 AM, William H. Magill wrote:
>> Up until "recently" ?? Tiger maybe?? ... OSX also defaulted to ksh.
> I don't think that's correct. On 10.2 OS X defaulted to tcsh, then switched to bash on 10.3. I remember this because the syntax of shell scripts was so different.

Aha... you are correct.  ... I think that while tsch was the default, ksh was also present... or maybe it was ksh configured to be tsch or vice versa....or was that zsh?

Over the years, I have supported and run on so many different "*nixs" that I have a whole stable of "set-up" scripts that configure them all to "look the same." 

Consequently, they all "run together" anymore -- one of the "advantages :)" of being retired.

William H. Magill
# iMac11,3 Core i7 [2.93GHz - 8 GB 1067MHz] OS X 10.8.2
# MacBook Pro4.1 Core 2 Duo [2.5GHz - 4GB 667] OS X 10.6.8
# Macmini6,1 Intel Core i5 [2.5 Ghz - 4GB 1600MHz] OS X 10.8.1

magill at mac.com
whmagill at gmail.com

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