Broken perl configuration

James Griffin jmz.griffin at
Fri Feb 22 01:46:02 PST 2013

----- Daniel J. Luke <dluke at> [2013-02-21 11:46:29 -0500] ----- :


> Nope, but in general MacPorts (or any package management system) works best when you 'buy in' and just use it for all your install management.

This is absolutely good advice. If you start to use Macports, simply use Macports for all of your software needs and installations, rather than installing things manually - it only leads to problems. I found that out the hard way when I stopped using Dovecot from Macports and decided to upgrade the Mac OS OX version, and spamassassin, and mutt. Everything became a mess. Had I just stuck to using Macports for all of these installations I wouldn't have had any of the headaches I experienced when trying to fix things. 

For example: if you are using a FreeBSD system or a Linux system, hardly anyone bothers to build and install source code themselves. They just use the package management system that comes with the OS. This is the same principle. It ensure that software is compiled correctly for the platform, that libraries and dependencies are configured and installed correctly, etc.

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