THANKS (WAS: Re: any good audio/video editing apps in macports?)

Jim Graham spooky130u at
Sun Feb 24 13:35:58 PST 2013

On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 01:11:54PM -0800, Scott Webster wrote:
> A bit late now, but my impression from earlier in this thread when
> there was some discussion about installing a binary... I think Jim was
> installing a non-Macports binary.

Only for one or two posts---I mentioned (was not asking about) that I was
going to try a binary---not sure if it was from macports or not---as I
was having so much trouble.  I think, when it failed because I don't have
10.8.x (or do I?  "About this Mac says it's 10.7.5, but after reading my
"uname -a" output, someone said I did have 10.8, presumably based on
that output), I mentioned that.  Not really asking about it, just a quick
on-the-side mention.

> So does just double clipping the app in Finder work?  It does for me...

And now the real reason for this response.  I haven't put the icon in
finder's Applications folder (which I rarely use anyways), but it is in
the dock, and yes, it works nicely.  Now I just need to spend some time
in kdenlive to get used to it.  It looks like it's exactly what I need
for both audio and video.

So with that, a huge

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to everyone that has responded here---you've all been a great help.
Sorry...couldn't resist using banner once I said "huge" ....  :-)

Now the RSI in my left hand/wrist is going from making it difficult to
type (earlier this morning) to that plus making it very painful to
type.  So with that....


73 DE N5IAL (/4)        MiSTie #49997  < Running Mac OS X Lion >
spooky130u at ICBM/Hurricane: 30.44406N 86.59909W

                "sigh, once upon a time T-1 was fast...."
                           --seen in

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