Notes...that flash by and are gone...(was Re: any good audio/video editing apps in macports?)

Jim Graham spooky130u at
Mon Feb 25 15:32:46 PST 2013

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 11:29:58PM +0100, Alja?? Srebrni?? wrote:
> Hello from a fellow OM and MacPorts dev!

Just to be clear, I'm not a macports dev....

> On 25/feb/2013, at 23:12, Jim Graham <spooky130u at> wrote:

> Since we are OM, let's talk radio

Ok.  :-)

> Say you do 150WPM CW on your trusty

150???  The highest I ever got was 28 (sometimes 29) wpm.  Never could
cross that barrier to 30 wpm for the straight shot to 58 wpm....  When I
tested fromo Tech to General, I was 1 char short of passing the Extra
code at 20, and when I took the General 13 wpm test, I almost fell
asleep (literally).  The VE had seen me all relaxed, confidently reading
20 wpm with no difficulty, and difficulty staying awake at 13, and didn't
even want to SEE my 13 wpm test...he just passed me on the spot.  Not
long after that, I was working a QSO at 28 wpm, and a friend arrived at
my door.  I kept copying while going to answer the door, told my friend
to follow me on back, because the other guy was just turning it over
to me, and my friend and I were chatting while I was also sending and
receiving at 28 wpm....  Now, however, I doubt I could handle 5 without
spenging some time in the Novice bands.

> Now say that someone takes your beloved transmitter and shoves a FT1000
> in your face. Bam! Thousand buttons, things blinking, SSB traffic
> blowing from the speaker. What's your reaction?

I have a Kenwood TS-130.  At A&M, in our amateur radio club (W5AC), at
that time we had a Kenwood TS-930, an equally modern Icon rig, a 1.5 kW
amp, and a 60' tower on top of the bell tower (roughly 100' total, with
a 7-element tri-bander (15m, 20m, and 10m), a 2-element 40m beam, a 30m
sloper (I added that one myself) and a full VHF satellite setup with
circular polarized (can't remember if it was L or R circular) set
on top.  Favorite QSO was with 5H3GB (Dan in Tanzania) on an otherwise
dead 15m, for an hour or so,  barefoot (125 W) until the last minutes as
we were saying 73, and we both had to kick in our kW amps.

Ok, let's get back on-topic now....

> >> Are you trolling or just high?
> > 
> > I won't dignify that last bit with an answer.  As for trolling, while I
> > do love fishing:
> > 
> >   A) Wrong time of year for mackeral here (they're further south right now)
> > 
> >   B) With the severe t-storms we had all night and well into this
> >      morning, even the charter boat captains who were the most
> >      desperately in need of cash wouldn't even THINK about going through
> >      the East Pass to get out onto the Gulf....
> > 
> >   C) If I WAS out on the Gulf trolling last night, I wouldn't have been
> >      here typing away at my computer, now would I?
> > 
> > So no, I was not out trolling.  I was here.  And WTF does whether or not
> > I was out fishing last night or this morning have to do with anything
> > even remotely macports related, anyways?
> Oh, come on. I believe you wouldn't behave like that on the air. Jan
> clearly meant something else.

Actually, when I saw trolling, fishing is exactly what came to my mind.
We're only a couple weeks until, at least around docks and bridges, the
season opens up, so fishing is very much on my mind right now.

Anyways, nerves in my right hand and arm just went dead again, so I'm
out of here.  73.

73 DE N5IAL (/4)          | Remember your spelling rules, including:
spooky130u at      |   I before E except after C
< Running Mac OS X Lion > | 
ICBM / Hurricane:         |   BEING a native-born American, I don't
   30.44406N 86.59909W    |   always notice our WEIRD spelling....

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