Xcode 4.6 update in Mac App Store - safe for macports, or better to wait?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Tue Jan 29 00:35:23 PST 2013

On Jan 29, 2013, at 01:47, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

> Xcode 4.6 is in the App Store.  Should it work ok with macports, or is it best to wait...for what first?

I updated to Xcode 4.6 on Mountain Lion earlier today, but the command line tools update, which is much more significant for MacPorts, didn't show up for me until now. I don't know of anything in this update that would be a problem, but it was just released today, so if you're not feeling adventurous you might wait a few days to see if anyone reports any problems.

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