Python Syntax Error | Change Python Version

Jasper Frumau jasperfrumau at
Fri Mar 29 04:19:44 PDT 2013

Tried to add AWS Beanstalk to $PATH using

jaspersmbp:~ jasper$ export

and it worked.

echo $PATH
/Users/jasper/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p370/bin:/Users/jasper/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p370 at global

But now when I run it from the server folder /opt/local/www/awswp  I see

eb init
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jasper/awsbeanstalk/eb/macosx/python2.7/eb", line 17, in
    from scli import core
  File "/Users/jasper/awsbeanstalk/eb/macosx/python2.7/scli/", line
24, in <module>
    from scli import command, cli_parse, config_file, prompt
  File "/Users/jasper/awsbeanstalk/eb/macosx/python2.7/scli/",
line 17, in <module>
    from scli.resources import CommandType
  File "/Users/jasper/awsbeanstalk/eb/macosx/python2.7/scli/",
line 17, in <module>
    from lib.utility import misc
"/Users/jasper/awsbeanstalk/eb/macosx/python2.7/lib/utility/", line
22, in <module>
    from scli.constants import OSSpecific, ServiceDefault, TerminalConstant
  File "/Users/jasper/awsbeanstalk/eb/macosx/python2.7/scli/",
line 225
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I run Python 2.6.8 /
which python

and it seems it might help if I use 2.7 How can I switch?
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