Re: Only a commentary…

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Thu May 16 14:09:20 PDT 2013

On May 16, 2013, at 15:57, Eneko Gotzon Ares wrote:

> There is an open ticket –#38979– about a building failure of gtkmm on 10.5.8 (it avoids upgrading Inkscape).
> Until now –ticket opened 2 weeks ago–, the unique contribution –and this is NOT a reproach– consists of an opinion:
> Seems to require a newer compiler than default.
> port install gtkmm configure.compiler=apple-gcc-4.2
> I'm a bit afraid about to change that default compiler… So, please, what do you think?

Many ports change the compiler, based on feedback from users. So we require users to test and verify that the proposed compiler change actually fixes the problem.

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