changing default perl

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Nov 3 17:47:55 PST 2013

On Nov 3, 2013, at 16:44, Clemens Lang wrote:

> To be honest, I don't know why we've ever diverged from this strategy.
> We're in a habit of shipping the latest and greatest version of software
> for most ports we have, sometimes even if breaks dependents (in which
> case we try to fix the dependents or get upstream to fix them for us).
> Maybe somebody who has seen the transition back then can comment on
> that?

Actually here’s the ticket from 5 years ago that willed the perl5 metaport into existence, along with some discussion about whether it would be nicer to just have a single perl:

Note that the perl5.8 port has been around practically forever—11 years—and was the first language port added to MacPorts, just two months after the first commit ever to the MacPorts repository was made:

Don’t know if there was any serious thought given at the time to parallel versions of perl.

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