kdearwork build errors

"René J.V. Bertin" rjvbertin at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 03:08:04 PDT 2014

Upgrading kdeartwork I got the following error for the kscreensaver target:

/opt/local/include/QtGui/qlabel.h:45:10: fatal error: 'QtGui/qframe.h' file not found

/opt/local/include/QtGui is a symlink to the header folder in the QtGui framework, and qframe.h is there. The problem is that /opt/local/include/QtGui is passed as a search path to the compiler, but not /opt/local/include .

The kdeartwork port I have installed currently doesn't appear to include kscreensaver - which seems logical. Indeed, when I deactivate the module in CMakeCache.txt the build completes fine.

How does one achieve this in the Portfile? It would require passing -DBUILD_kscreensaver:BOOL=OFF to cmake .


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