Undo universal?

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Wed Aug 20 15:28:01 PDT 2014

On Aug 20, 2014, at 12:22 PM, Joshua Root wrote:

>> I had OpenSceneGraph installed, but, for another application I was testing, I needed a universal version.  So, I did 
>> sudo port install OpenSceneGraph +universal  
>> It then proceeded to upgrade MANY things to universal.  I hadn’t realized how many dependencies there were.
>> My question is, is there a way to undo that?  If I am done with that testing, so I no longer need the universal version of OpenScenegraph (and then the many dependencies).  If I just do:
>> sudo port deactivate OpenSceneGraph +universal
>> sudo port activate OpenSceneGraph 
>> sudo port uninstall OpenSceneGraph +universal
>> I believe that it would remove that one thing.  But, it won’t then follow all the dependencies.  Is there any way to make all the dependencies that would no longer have to be universal be removed and just have the original versions made active?
>> Essentially I am looking for a command:  
>> 	Make OpenSceneGraph and all dependents no longer universal
> What about:
> sudo port upgrade --enforce-variants OpenSceneGraph -universal

This would de-universalize ports that he still needs to have installed universal for other reasons. As he said:

On Aug 19, 2014, at 2:24 PM, Adam Dershowitz Ph.D., P.E. wrote:

> The problem is that I have other things that are universal, from other ports.  For example, for some reason perl5.16 is universal on my machine.  I only want to make all the dependents of OpenSceneGraph non-universal.

I assume where he said "dependents" he meant "dependencies."

perl5.16 *is* in the recursive dependencies of OpenSceneGraph. So enforcing -universal for recursive dependencies of OpenSceneGraph will result in perl5.16 becoming non-universal. And this may then turn out to be a problem for some other port he has installed that still needs perl5.16 to be universal.

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