How to associate /opt/local/bin/bash with .bat files

Gregory Shenaut gkshenaut at
Tue Jan 28 10:49:12 PST 2014

If you've installed Parallels, .bat files are associated by default with (in the the Windows system). There might be some way to associate them with Windows Console, but I don't know. The “Default Apps” system preference pane might be a good place to start (google it). 

The other thing worth mentioning is to not to forget to set the execute bit on your scripts.

By the way, I personally believe that MacOS's use of file suffixes to define the type of a file is one of its most embarrassing and annoying attributes.


On Jan 28, 2014, at 06:49 , Arno Hautala <arno at> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 8:40 AM, Clemens Lang <cal at> wrote:
>> Macs (and other Unix systems) don't associate files and their
>> interpreters based on the filename extension. Only windows uses this
>> method.
> That's not entirely true. Macs used to use File Type and Creator codes
> to associate files and in those days extensions weren't required on
> file names. These attributes are still visible via commands like
> GetFileInfo. Their use is certainly deprecated and I wouldn't be
> surprised if it isn't consulted at all in current versions of OS X.
> Seems that as of 10.6 they're ignored in favor of Uniform Type
> Identifiers:
> I'm fairly sure that the current mix of UTI and extension mapping is a
> mess though. At least, it seemed to be the last time I looked into it.
> That's another thread though.
> These days, if you Get Info on a file (select the file in the Finder
> and use Command-I or File > Get Info) there is a section labeled "Open
> With". You can select an application from the list or explicitly
> browse to some other application. When changing the selection, there's
> a button to "Change All". Pressing that will prompt to associate "all
> files with extension '.bat'" with the new application. Some extensions
> are associated with known types, and some files are marked with UTIs,
> and will instead ask if you want to associate, for example, all "text
> files" instead of listing ".txt".
> In your case though, you wouldn't want to associate a ".bat" or ".sh"
> file with bash, you'd want to set it to be opened by "".
> You can then edit the shebang line to set which shell should be used
> to interpret the script, as indicated by Clemens.
> -- 
> arno  s  hautala    /-|   arno at
> pgp b2c9d448
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