Script or Command to List Newest Ports

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Tue Jul 22 18:26:51 PDT 2014

On Jul 22, 2014, at 2:16 PM, Jean-François Caron wrote:

> Hi, I’m wondering if there is a useful script or command to obtain a list of all newly-added ports, since the last selfupdate, or just a list of the N latest-added ports.  This might be useful for users to discover new and useful ports.  Does such a thing exist, or is it feasible to implement?

I don't think it exists yet. I'm trying to add such a list to the new MacPorts website I'm designing. You could try to get this information by using "svn log" on the dports directory in the repository and limiting the output to Portfile additions, but that's not the only way ports can come into existence; they might instead be copied from another port, or moved from a user's private ports directory. I intend for the information on the new web site to account for these scenarios.

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