source-highlight error after upgrade to 10.9
Jean-François Caron
jfcaron at
Tue Mar 4 16:05:32 PST 2014
Hi, I finally caved in and upgraded to 10.9 from 10.7 in order to get reasonable C++11 support. One of the not-unexpected side-effects is random other problems coming up because of it.
I have the environment variables LESS and LESSOPEN set for less to use source-highlight (e.g. With the upgrade, now I get this error whenever I use less:
dyld: Symbol not found: __ZN5boost13match_resultsIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKcSsEESaINS_9sub_matchIS5_EEEE12maybe_assignERKS9_
Referenced from: /opt/local/lib/libsource-highlight.4.dylib
Expected in: /opt/local/lib/libboost_regex-mt.dylib
in /opt/local/lib/libsource-highlight.4.dylib
/opt/local/bin/ line 4: 15153 Trace/BPT trap: 5 source-highlight --failsafe --infer-lang -f esc -i "$source"
I did rebuild all my ports after upgrading, and all the other ones that I tested work. Is this because source-highlight is a GNU (thus libstcxx) program and 10.9 uses libcxx? Or some other problem?
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