glib user_data_dir set to /opt/local/share

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Tue Mar 18 05:25:37 PDT 2014

On Mar 18, 2014, at 00:30, Jonathan Koren wrote:

> I’m on Mavricks with MacPorts 2.2.1
> I recently upgraded the meld port (@1.8.4), and now when ever I try to run it, it blows up with an OSError.
> (OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/opt/local/share/meld/recent-NbPmhP.meldcmp’ )
> Looking into it, it appears that the problem is that meld wants to write a tempfile to the user_data_dir specified by glib. (See line 53 in /opt/local/lib/meld/meld/ )
> I don’t believe user_data_dir is set correctly. This call is intended to get a directory for user-specific data, not a system-wide directory. (See 
> I’m not sure which glib meld is using, but I’ve got glib1 @1.2.10 and glib2 @2.38.2

According to “port rdeps meld|grep glib”, it’s using glib2.

> 0) Is anyone else seeing this? I suspect this is happening for all ports that rely on glib.
> 1) This needs to be fixed. And I suspect the fix needs to be in the underlying glib port
> 2) Does anyone know a work around, beyond setting /opt/local/share to be world writeable?

This is the first I’ve heard of the problem. If we need to change something in the glib2 port, please let me know what.

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