MacPorts Statistics (was Re: usage numbers for macports vs. homebrew?)

Clemens Lang cal at
Thu Mar 20 03:54:59 PDT 2014

Hi Craig,

> Thanks, that helped a lot.  I like the page layout, very clean.  I
> have to say, though that I'm not a big fan of pie (or donut) graphs.
> It is much easy to compare magnitudes of a bar as opposed to sections
> of a donut.

I agree. Patches welcome. In general, if anybody with a little more knowledge and experience than me in Ruby on Rails wants to improve this, the code is linked on the site and patches are welcome.
For example, it currently doesn't trac the inactive ports (even though they are submitted).

> As a port maintainer, one key thing I'd like to know is the breakdown
> of OS versions that my users are running.  The data is available for
> that, right?  Just a matter of extracting and presenting it?

Yes, that data is available. I think all the graphs need to be given a little thought. If somebody has the time to make a list of graphs that might be useful given the data we have, feel free to make a wiki page for that or even just reply to that email. Anything helps :)

> One other minor observation:  what is the "GCC Version" supposed to
> represent?
> If we know the XCode version that the user has installed, we'll
> already know the default compilers available on that system.

Not necessarily. The correct thing to track would be the version of the Command Line Tools. The GCC version tracking should be removed, it's pointless on modern OS X.

> Seriously though, it says to install the mpstats port, but port cannot find
> anything by that name.  Even searching for “stat” doesn’t seem to show any
> likely candidates.

That's correct. The port currently doesn't work on any released version of MacPorts (it requires 2.3) and hasn't been committed to the main repository for that reason. If you're running trunk you can get it using sudo port install

Clemens Lang

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