about distcc

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at macports.org
Tue Mar 25 02:03:53 PDT 2014

On Mar 25, 2014, at 03:16, René J.V. Bertin <rjvbertin at gmail.com> wrote:

> Since I discovered that clang can act as a cross-compiler (generating "foreign" object, .o , files), I have a renewed interest in distcc. I'm doing rather large builds on a Linux box, and the distcc I have on there is capable of a so-called pump mode in which the precompile step is also delegated to the slaves, via a header file server. It also has lzo compression.
> From what I've seen, distcc in MacPorts doesn't support neither pump mode nor suppression, and it also doesn't support the --zeroconf option (present on Apple's distcc) which advertises the services via ZeroConf.
> Is there a reason for this? (I could also ask this way: why provide a port that's less functional than what the OS vendor provides already?) The zeroconf feature isn't very important to me, but the pump and (thus) compression features are, as they allow to delegate (parallelise) even more intensive tasks to the slaves.

The distcc port has no maintainer; nobody is looking after its interests. If we need to make a change to the port, please file a ticket to let us know, ideally supplying a unified diff of the needed changes. The port currently doesn’t seem to be doing anything too unusual with the build, so if these features you’re mentioning are unusual features that need to be explicitly enabled, then you should show us how to do that.

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