MacPorts Statistics (was Re: usage numbers for macports vs. homebrew?)

Julien T julien.t43 at
Tue Mar 25 18:42:35 PDT 2014

ok. my 2 cents after quick reading this long thread

- clearly, submission should be asked on install of macports, either opt-in
or opt-out. I'm pretty sure It's a legal constraint in some places (like
european union). w opt-in, there is a risk to have little people but it's
probably cleaner.
It would probaly be better if installer call "port install mpstat" itself
else many people will just drop/forget it after.
- really like the setup
after, there are some debate on the type of graph used. If the lib used
allow it, maybe have a switch button to satisfy everyone ;-)
the top25 of most popular port is good. a per category would be nice too
and some would probably ask for top100/top500.
- As a more rough view and not as complete/exact, I ask myself, why there
is no statistics based on web server log as when we do "port install", it
will usually try to fetch a package on macports server. It's not much but
it gives also an information on how popular a package is and there is no
consent to make statistics on that.
- for sure, stats on port requested would be really interesting
- on gcc, it's the default compiler we are listing ? which should be xcode.
as there are some ports which require clang or gcc in certain releases. I'm
not sure it's relevant except if you trace it for each port.

Thanks for the nice work.

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