how to upgrade MacPorts behind proxy?

Richard Cobbe cobbe at
Mon May 26 06:05:34 PDT 2014

On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 02:03:51PM +0200, Clemens Lang wrote:
> Hi,
> > What's the best way to upgrade to MacPorts 2.3.0 on a computer that's
> > behind a proxy?  I'm currently running 2.2.1.
> Install from the .pkg file.
> > Will the fact that the installer itself tries to run "port selfupdate"
> > cause problems when that fails because of the proxy?
> The rsync download for the base code will fail, but that won't abort the
> selfupdate. The port tree sync will use your configured source, i.e. svn,
> which will succeed. You shouldn't have any problems.

Oh, good -- that looks much easier than I'd worried.  I'll give it a shot
tomorrow when I'm back in the office and have access to the machine again.



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