liblzma and ffmpeg

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Fri Oct 3 15:24:58 PDT 2014

On Friday October 03 2014 16:43:03 Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> > It tells me that the file "isn't provided by a port", whatever file I throw at it.
> Perhaps it's this: "port provides" only responds to the canonical path. So even on case-insensitive file systems you must use the correct case, and if your MacPorts prefix is symlinked elsewhere, you must still use the prefix that MacPorts was originally configured to use.

I have my MacPorts tree on a case-sensitive partition, with /opt/local a symlink to it. And it doesn't matter whether I use the path with /opt/local or the "normalised" path.

However, the command *does* work for the files inside KDE appbundles installed in /Applications/MacPorts/KDE4 . Go figure why ...


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