Why I Run Old System Software

Chris Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Sat Oct 11 03:25:45 PDT 2014

> In fact, certain changes in 10.9 (like with Mail.app) have gotten me to investigate KDE for alternatives ... And 10.6 still has Rosetta (and frankly, how much would it have cost to provide that tech as an optional install?)

A lot. Rosetta was not just an application you could install, but an extension of the underlying OS to provide the translation layer for PowerPC applications. It would need to be kept in sync with any updates to the OS, and clearly Apple decided they wanted to stream line things by removing it, and I can understand that. For me, 10.7 was the right time to do it.

> That said, there's very little not to prefer in 10.9 if you're coming from 10.8, from what I've seen. Apart from plugins for QuickLook, apparently :)
>> My memory is hazy but I think it was a problem in Safari.  I will look
>> it up I posted it online somewhere.
> You'd be better off installing TenFourFox. Flash support will remain problematic until HTML5 video becomes the standard, but I'd advise to stay away from 10.5 . I tried it on my G4 Powerbook and ditched it immediately, way too slow.
> R
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