How install p5-libapreq2 for perl 5.20?

Lawrence Velázquez larryv at
Mon Sep 15 17:01:12 PDT 2014

On Sep 15, 2014, at 6:58 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandesign at> wrote:

> * We need a strategy for migrating users of the p5.XX-YY ports to the new p5-YY ports (e.g. using replaced_by). These replaced stub ports should stay around for a year to facilitate upgrades, yet should not cause every build of every p5-YY port to be perceived by the buildbot as a failure during that time (which is what would happen if the replaced stub ports are subports of the p5-YY ports). I suggested in another context earlier that we could have a single port whose sole purpose is to define subports for each of the currently-existing p5.XX-YY ports declaring them to be replaced by the corresponding p5-YY port. That port wouldn't need to be touched after being initially set up, so there would be only one buildbot failure report and updates of each p5-YY port can proceed unimpeded.

I think I'm missing something. Why would building each p5-YY port cause build failures on the buildslaves?


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