Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:

Brickle Macho bricklemacho at gmail.com
Tue Sep 23 04:51:11 PDT 2014

Correct, compiling software outside Macports.  Learning more each time.

Thanks, again.

On 23/09/2014 7:44 pm, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Sep 23, 2014, at 6:38 AM, Brickle Macho wrote:
>> On 23/09/2014 4:00 pm, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>>> You must must clang, not gcc.
>>>> https://trac.macports.org/wiki/FAQ#libcpp
>> Thanks.   So I guess I need to "inform" macports to use clang?  Does this mean a reinstall/compile of all my mac ports?   I will google more.
> MacPorts is already using clang, for most ports, in particular for opencv. You seemed to be talking about manually compiling some other software outside of MacPorts which uses opencv. And you showed the output of "gcc --version" which made me think you were using gcc to do so. If so, you'll need to switch to using clang to compile that other software, to match how MacPorts has compiled opencv.

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