selfupdate is not working

Garrett Honeycutt gh at
Mon Sep 29 12:34:32 PDT 2014


Recently got the update for OSX 10.9.5, XCode 6.0.1 and Command Line
Tools (OSX 10.9) 6.0. Attempted to use MacPorts and found that it seems
to have broken in the process.

Removed all the directories as according to the guide[1]. Reinstalled
from MacPorts-2.3.1-10.9-Mavericks.pkg.

selfupdate seems to have an error related to the rsync, though I can run
the rsync itself with no issues. Info below also available at pastebin[2].

bam:~$ sudo port -d selfupdate
DEBUG: Copying /Users/gh/Library/Preferences/ to
DEBUG: MacPorts sources location:
--->  Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync
Command failed: /usr/bin/rsync -rtzv --delete-after
Exit code: 1
DEBUG: Error synchronizing MacPorts sources: command execution failed
    while executing
"macports::selfupdate [array get global_options] base_updated"
Error: Error synchronizing MacPorts sources: command execution failed
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: /opt/local/bin/port: port selfupdate failed: Error synchronizing
MacPorts sources: command execution failed

bam:~$ sudo /usr/bin/rsync -rtzv --delete-after
receiving file list ... done

sent 36 bytes  received 69 bytes  70.00 bytes/sec
total size is 27002880  speedup is 257170.29
bam:~$ echo $?

bam:~$ xcodebuild -version
Xcode 6.0.1
Build version 6A317

bam:~$ facter (some of the output)

macosx_buildversion => 13F34
macosx_productname => Mac OS X
macosx_productversion => 10.9.5
operatingsystem => Darwin
operatingsystemrelease => 13.4.0

[1] -

[2] -

Appreciate the help,

Garrett Honeycutt
Puppet Training with
Mobile: +1.206.414.8658

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