How to obtain a list of ports which were recently added?

Rainer Müller raimue at
Fri Dec 18 09:46:28 PST 2015

On 2015-12-18 16:20, Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
> I am interested to learn about newly added ports.
> Is there a "port list" command that can sort ports according to their
> release date?
> Most likely, at the present time, there's none.
> Is there another method (web interface or trac ticket query or ...?)
> which I could employ to find *quickly* out what I want?

There is no port database that tracks this kind of metadata. A service
that tracks changes to PortIndex would actually be quite nice...

At the moment, you can only filter the Subversion commit log and look
for added Portfiles. With a little bit of quick hacking I came up with
this command, which prints the port directories added in the last two

svn log -v -r"{$(date -v-2w +'%Y-%m-%d')}":HEAD \
    |grep -E '^\s{3}A.*Portfile$' |awk -F/ '{print $5}'

With some more processing you could also retrieve the commit message or
extract the port's description.

Hope that helps,

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