A question about Localhost with Safari

Dave Horsfall dave at horsfall.org
Sat Jan 3 16:51:05 PST 2015

On Sat, 3 Jan 2015, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> I experience the problem on Yosemite that "localhost" will randomly 
> switch between accessing the IPv4 address of my server (which works) and 
> the IPv6 address of my server (which apparently isn't working). I've had 
> to start using "" instead, which is the IPv4 address. This does 
> not appear to be specific to Safari; I saw it in the terminal with curl 
> too.

I've seen it in Firefox from time to time, when my MacBook's FF refreshes 
itself against the pages on my FreeBSD server (which happens to support 
IPv6 as well, but it shows in the Apache logs).

Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)  "Bliss is a MacBook with a FreeBSD server."
http://www.horsfall.org/spam.html (and check the home page whilst you're there)

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