port:imap-uw and mailbox corruption on 10.9.5?

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Mon Jan 12 10:58:10 PST 2015

On Tuesday January 13 2015 05:06:31 Dave Horsfall wrote:

> I'd like to set up tasks on the Mac to email myself on the FreeBSD box (I 
> loathe gooey MUAs with a passion), but the moment I start iMail (or 

I was like you until not that long ago, mostly using pine (which I presume is what Alpine is or comes from).
It got too cumbersome to deal with attachments and other "modern stuff" though (colleagues using MS Word to send their email, and I couldn't always just ignore those), and with kmail I don't regret it at all.

> whatever it's called), it pulls the rug out from underneath Alpine.  I 

You mean Apple Mail? I can imagine it wreaks havoc if you have loads of mail in your IMAP folders: it wants a copy of all of that, if it pleases you or not. 

I used Apple Mail on 10.6 though, and usually ran a parallel Sylpheed client, both with access to my local imap server. I rarely ever had issues, though on occasion I did have to do a `killall -1 imapd`.

Anyway, if you really hate GUI MUAs so much, you can easily send email from your Mac through your FBSD server - I'm guessing you already have a terminal open :

#> telnet FreeBSDServer.local 25
helo Mac
mail from:<myself>
rcpt to:<someone at someplace.tld>
subject: a really not gooey email

Je suis Davie



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