octave-control configure fail

Marius Schamschula lists at schamschula.com
Sat Jul 4 06:50:04 PDT 2015


On Jul 4, 2015, at 8:45 AM, Alan Rakes <aarakes at bellsouth.net> wrote:

>> On Jul 4, 2015, at 9:34 AM, Marius Schamschula <lists at schamschula.com> wrote:
>> Alan,
>> On Jul 4, 2015, at 8:29 AM, Alan Rakes <aarakes at bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>> I’ve been on Yosemite ever since I set up macports.  I just updated to 10.10.4, but this happened two days ago before I made that change so I don’t think that is it.  I don’t know why it is trying to use gcc 4.8 here.  Here are the versions of gcc I have installed.
>>>  gcc48 @4.8.4_0
>>>   gcc48 @4.8.4_1
>>>   gcc48 @4.8.5_0 (active)
>>>   gcc49 @4.9.2_1
>>>   gcc49 @4.9.2_2
>>>   gcc49 @4.9.3_0 (active)
>>>   gcc_select @0.1_8 (active)
>>> What could have made gcc48 not properly installed?
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>>>> Have you recently upgraded OS X on your computer, or uninstalled gcc48? mkoctfile is looking for Fortran, and not finding it, as gcc48 is not properly installed.
>>>> BTW: octave is currently built against gcc49. 
>>>> Marius
>>>> --
>>>> Marius Schamschula
>> What does port installed octave say?
>> Marius
>> --
>> Marius Schamschula
> Here are all the current ports of octave installed.
> The following ports are currently installed:
>   octave @3.8.2_4+atlas+gcc48+gui
>   octave @3.8.2_6+atlas+gcc49+glgui
>   octave @3.8.2_6+atlas+gcc49+glgui+gui+qtgui
>   octave @3.8.2_7+atlas+gcc48+glgui+gui+qtgui
>   octave @3.8.2_8+atlas+gcc48+glgui+gui+qtgui
>   octave @3.8.2_9+atlas+gcc48+glgui+gui+qtgui (active)
> Should I possibly go back and reinstall octave against gcc49?

No, that looks OK.

I just remembered that octave-control needs to be built with a gcc variant. I your case that would be

sudo port install octave-control +gcc48

Marius Schamschula

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