Coin vs. Coin-framework; FreeCAD interest.

Ludwig macports at
Wed Jun 24 03:59:17 PDT 2015

In the process of trying to bring the FreeCAD port up to date, I found that
SoQT and the existing FreeCAD have a dependency on Coin-framework, which
according to MacPorts is not satisfied by Coin.  I think this may be an error,
as in building FreeCAD's current master according to the directions found here ccmake did not
recognize COIN3D_INCLUDE_DIR or COIN3D_LIBRARY when I had Coin-framework
installed, but once I force-deactivated it and installed Coin, ccmake found
them and I was able to build successfully. I believe Coin-framework is a subset
of Coin, so anything that depends on the former should also be satisfied by the

I would file a ticket but I'm not sure how to categorize it such that it will
be noticed.

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