port install wireshark fails

tome at qx.net tome at qx.net
Thu Mar 5 09:29:58 PST 2015

Powerbook PPC (pismo) 500Mhz, 10.4.11, 1G ram, 11G disk available
I did the 'sudo port clean wireshark' and retried, with same error.
A search revealed a reference to a patch:
which seems like it might be relevant, but I am not familiar enough with
how all this fits together to know what to do next.  It seems like a patch
that old would have been included in the build.  Below are the last few
lines of the install starting at what I think is the failing error.  Any
guidance as to what to do next will be greatly appreciated!  Tom

ImportError: dlopen(./.libs/_giscanner.so, 2): Library not loaded:
  Referenced from: /opt/local/lib/libgio-2.0.0.dylib
  Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
	/opt/local/lib/libffi.6.dylib: incompatible cpu-subtype
Makefile:3409: recipe for target 'GLib-2.0.gir' failed
gmake[2]: *** [GLib-2.0.gir] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory
Makefile:2702: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed
gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory
Makefile:1480: recipe for target 'all' failed
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
gmake: Leaving directory
Command failed:  cd
&& /opt/local/bin/gmake -w all CC="/opt/local/bin/gcc-apple-4.2 -arch ppc"
Exit code: 2
Error: org.macports.build for port gobject-introspection returned: command
execution failed
Warning: targets not executed for gobject-introspection:
org.macports.activate org.macports.build org.macports.destroot
Error: Failed to install gobject-introspection
Please see the log file for port gobject-introspection for details:
Error: The following dependencies were not installed: atk
gobject-introspection c-ares gdk-pixbuf2 jasper jpeg shared-mime-info
intltool gnome-common p5.16-getopt-long p5.16-pathtools
p5.16-scalar-list-utils p5.16-xml-parser p5.16-libwww-perl
p5.16-encode-locale p5.16-file-listing p5.16-http-date p5.16-html-form
p5.16-html-parser p5.16-html-tagset p5.16-http-message p5.16-io-html
p5.16-lwp-mediatypes p5.16-uri p5.16-mime-base64 p5.16-http-cookies
p5.16-http-daemon p5.16-http-negotiate p5.16-lwp-protocol-https
p5.16-io-socket-ssl p5.16-io-socket-inet6 p5.16-io p5.16-socket6
p5.16-net-libidn p5.16-net-ssleay p5.16-test-exception p5.16-sub-uplevel
p5.16-test-simple p5.16-test-nowarnings p5.16-test-warn
p5.16-tree-dag_node p5.16-file-slurp-tiny p5.16-mozilla-ca p5.16-net-http
p5.16-www-robotrules tiff gnutls gmp libtasn1 nettle p11-kit
desktop-file-utils popt libxslt texinfo help2man p5.16-locale-gettext gtk2
gtk-doc docbook-xml docbook-xml-4.1.2 docbook-xml-4.2 xmlcatmgr
docbook-xml-4.3 docbook-xml-4.4 docbook-xml-4.5 docbook-xml-5.0
docbook-xsl fop itstool gawk readline py27-libxml2 openjade opensp
source-highlight boost icu hicolor-icon-theme pango Xft2 harfbuzz
graphite2 cmake libarchive lzo2 xorg-libXcomposite xorg-compositeproto
xorg-libXfixes xorg-fixesproto xorg-libXcursor xorg-libXdamage
xorg-damageproto xorg-libXi xorg-libXinerama xorg-xineramaproto
xorg-libXrandr xorg-randrproto kerberos5 libcomerr libgcrypt libgpg-error
libgeoip libpcap libsmi lua portaudio
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port wireshark failed

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