error upgrading gcc48 port

Brandon Allbery allbery.b at
Sun Nov 1 16:35:33 PST 2015

On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 7:31 PM, Fabrizio Salvatore <
p.fabrizio.salvatore at> wrote:

> I do indeed use ROOT as analysis package: is there a version for gcc49 or
> gcc5?

"port variants root5"
Which, here, shows (among many others) the following variants

   gcc43: Build with gfortran from gcc43
     * conflicts with gcc44 gcc45 gcc46 gcc47 gcc48 gcc49 gcc5
   gcc44: Build with gfortran from gcc44
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc45 gcc46 gcc47 gcc48 gcc49 gcc5
   gcc45: Build with gfortran from gcc45
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc44 gcc46 gcc47 gcc48 gcc49 gcc5
   gcc46: Build with gfortran from gcc46
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 gcc47 gcc48 gcc49 gcc5
   gcc47: Build with gfortran from gcc47
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 gcc46 gcc48 gcc49 gcc5
   gcc48: Build with gfortran from gcc48
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 gcc46 gcc47 gcc49 gcc5
   gcc49: Build with gfortran from gcc49
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 gcc46 gcc47 gcc48 gcc5
[+]gcc5: Build with gfortran from gcc5
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 gcc46 gcc47 gcc48 gcc49

The [+] means that if you were to install it from scratch instead of
upgrading, you'd get the gcc5 variant.

I think you want: sudo port upgrade root5 -gcc48 +gcc5

brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine associates
allbery.b at                                  ballbery at
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad
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