p5.16-libapreq2 won't reinstall after migration to El Capitan

Mojca Miklavec mojca at macports.org
Mon Nov 2 21:26:02 PST 2015

On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 12:14 AM, Murray Eisenberg wrote:
> After uninstalling p5.16-libapeq2 and mod_perl2 + perl5_16, I was able to install in order:
>     perl5 + perl5_22
>     mod_perl2 +perl5_22
> However, "port install  p5.22-libapreq2" still used mod_perl2 + perl5.20

Can you please try again the following:
    port info mod_perl2
    sudo port selfupdate
    port info mod_perl2
    sudo port install mod_perl2
    port installed mod_perl2
(and tell me the variants reported by mod_perl2)?

For some weird reason "sudo port install mod_perl2 +perl5_22" would
also install "mod_perl2 + perl5_20" for me in the beginning, but that
was before I fixed the port and added perl5_22 to the list of
variants. (I'm curious why it picked 5.20; I would expect 5.16 at

So maybe you did a selfupdate too fast. Unless you have a second copy
of the Portfile somewhere, that's my only explanation, otherwise you
shouldn't have ended up with +perl5_20. So hopefully another
selfupdate and installation of mod_perl2 will fix the issue.

> and the process ends with error that mod_perl2 must be installed with +perl5_22 !

At least the error message is more clear now. Earlier you would have
ended up with a cryptic build error saying that one perl module was

> So no go.

You seem to be almost there.


>> On 2 Nov2015, at 11:14 AM, Mojca Miklavec <mojca at macports.org> wrote:
>> Dear Murray,
>> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 4:20 PM, Murray Eisenberg wrote:
>>> The issue re p5.16-libapreq2 is solved!  After the migration, I had never activated a version of perl5 by doing "sudo install perl5 +perl5_16. Not doing that seems to be what caused failure to build mod_perl2 and hence prevented subsequent installation of p5.16-libapreq2.
>>> (I do still wish a port p5.20-libapreq2 were available, so that I would not need to deal with the older versions of perl5.)
>> I just added it now (you could try to switch to 5.22, else you'll be
>> "outdated" soon again).
>> You will have to uninstall or deactivate p5.16-libapreq2, install
>> "perl5 +perl5_22" and "mod_perl2 +perl5_22" and finally install
>> p5.22-libapreq2.
>> Then again it might be nice to get some feedback. Running the
>> testsuite on p5.22-libapre2 fails for some tests. I got rid of some
>> failures by upgrading mod_perl2 to 2.0.9, but some failures remain.
>> Mojca
>> (PS: you might have to wait for half an hour for the port definitions
>> to catch up if you are using rsync for selfupdate)
> ---
> Murray Eisenberg                murrayeisenberg at gmail.com
> 503 King Farm Blvd #101         Home (240)-246-7240
> Rockville, MD 20850-6667        Mobile (413)-427-5334

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