The gringo port still can't be compiled after passing the stdlib=libc++ to clang

Ryan Schmidt ryandesign at
Sun Sep 20 09:10:58 PDT 2015

On Sep 20, 2015, at 10:59 AM, 心如烛光 wrote:

>     Thank's for your help.I have tried the process, which is posted in the ""
> First,I have installed the newest 2.3.3 macport and edited the macports.conf with the 
> words
> "cxx_stdlib         libc++
> buildfromsource    always
> delete_la_files    yes"
> and try "sudo port clean gringo""sudo port install gringo".
> But it doesn't work.

Why not? What happens?

> Then I tried:"uninstall all ports that use C++"
> and the message it returns:
> "Preparing Uninstall...
> Uninstall Began...
> Uninstall Failed...
> Reason: ErrorMissingBundle
> "
> Why?

I don't know what that output means or where it came from. What commands did you use to uninstall all ports that use C++? If you actually typed "uninstall all ports that use C++" into your terminal, that was not intended. What was intended is that you run the appropriate MacPorts commands to uninstall all ports that use C++. It's left as an exercise to you to determine which of your installed ports use C++. If you can't determine it, you can uninstall all ports.

> Meanwhile,I don't think that to uninstall all the ports that use C++ is a good way to solve the problem since I have so many ports and dependencies,which will be uninstalled and installed.
> Is there any other way to install the gringo?

Upgrade to OS X 10.9 or later.

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